Samuel J. Reeves

 is a human-born artist who grew up in the wild recesses of his imagination. He was fed a steady diet of Saturday morning cartoons and comic books that helped form his love for art, and left a deep and lasting impression on his artistic style. His adventures brought him to Chicago for his trials of adulthood, and to receive classical training in how to use those stick things with the hair at one end. While training at the American Academy of Art he was introduced to, fell in love with and became influenced by the Golden Age of illustration. After receiving his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, he became a freelance artist doing graphic design and illustration work. Sam's award winning art work has been on display at his mom’s house for years now, and bedeck the walls of many galleries and coffee shops around the Denver area. When not in his studio he can usually be found outside Daniel Sprick's house trying to pick an art fight.


Not A Self Portrait of Rene Margritte                                         Watercolor 2010 

Not A Self Portrait of Rene Margritte                                         Watercolor 2010


OdinSam                                        &n…

OdinSam                                                                                                          Watercolor 2014